Tuesday, October 1, 2013

10 wonderful affirmations to brighten your mood. (Use These!)

Written By. Michelle Maros (From http://peacefulmindpeacefullife.org) 
I’m sure at one point or another we’ve all heard the phrase, “you are what you think.” In theory, it makes sense, but have you ever really stopped to ponder what this means? Have you ever really considered the power of your thoughts? We have thousands and thousands of thoughts each day, when you stop and think, how many of these are negative? How many of our thoughts are sub-conscious, and we don’t even realize we are thinking them? Our bodies hear everything the mind tells them, and our bodies and nervous systems react accordingly. Think of all the amazing changes that could happen when you start to be present to your thoughts, and then turn the negative into positive. There are many tools we use to do this, and the one we will focus on this week is affirmations.
So, what is an affirmation exactly? An affirmation is simply a positive phrase, said in the present tense, that you can repeat to yourself or out loud, that replaces any negative thoughts in your mind. Like many people, I first learned about positive affirmations from Louise Hay, who has pioneered the use of positive affirmations. From her story alone, it is evident that the use and repetition of positive affirmations into your life can help bring you peace of mind, health, and a vibrant and joyful life. An affirmation can be used at any part of the day, in any situation, and is always used to program your mind into more positive, idealistic thinking.
So, how do you get started with your affirmations? Here are 10 affirmations that would be so powerful to add into your life today! After you get the hang of them, try creating your own to suit your life in this present moment.
1. All is well.
2. I am in the right place at the right time.
3. I love my life.
4. My life is in perfect balance.
5. I make the best decisions for my life.
6. I am surrounded by loving relationships.
7. I live my life with purpose.
8. I am safe and supported.
9. I am healthy and strong.
10. I love myself.

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